Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nietzsche, Paul, Story and Practice: Spectrum Review Part 3

This week we look at a few different things, continuing on the theme of language or story breaking down.  David briefly presents his experiences reading Nietzsche and how his writings kept taking him back to Paul, then we look at the question of how the way we live can be at odds with the stories we tell  We look at this question in the context of two of the other roundtable discussions from the Third Way Conference, on Adventist story-telling and on the history of pacifism within Adventism.  Both are examples of how the stories we tell, or forget to tell, can stand at odds with how we view the world based on our beliefs and lifestyle choices.

Our question this week - what are stories that you were told as a child that did not mesh with the way your family lived, or with the beliefs you were raised with?

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